Dr Judith Guedalia

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1. I understand you....
(Matching tags: Paralysis,Spinal Cord Injury,SCI,Jewish Press,Chaim K.,Spina Bifida,C1 - C 2 Injury,Polio)
Dr. Judith Guedalia and Chaim K. © 2006 People who see me in my wheelchair, and bother to come over, say ‘oh, we understand you'.  My brother, my sister and my mother say they understand me. No one understands ...
2. Confusing and Converting Symptoms
(Matching tags: Psychosis,Disorder In Reading,Hysterical Paralysis,Conversion Disorder,Disengagement,Jewish Press,Gush Katif,Dyslexia,Pathology,Neuropsychological Emergency,Paralysis)
I had already received four different phone messages referring this child for assessment.  The parents, the Talmud Torah Rebbe, and the Rav they consulted.  The forth call was from an Askan (literally ...